4-H is a youth organization with the mission to make the best better by encouraging youth ages 5-18 to reach their full potential through various projects and hands on activities.

4-H Motto

To Make The Best Better

4-H Pledge

I Pledge my Head to Clearer Thinking
My Heart to Greater Loyalty
My Hands to Larger Service
And My Health to Better Living
For My Club, My Community, My Country & My World

Projects Offered Include
  • Sheep, Swine, Cattle, Goat, Rabbit, Poultry, Dog Training/Agility, Vet Science, Buymanship,Photography, Cake Decorating, Robotics, Leadership, Performing Arts,Woodworking, ETC.
How Do I Join?
  • Contact the Extension office at (620)723-2156
  • Attend a Meeting and decide if 4-H is right for you